Weekly Overview 02.06.17

This is what you do when you leave your first Master Gardener Class – you buy more plants!


Outside My Window… it is overcast and dreary.  Dandelions are blooming in my front yard, but otherwise, it looks like winter.

I am thinking… that it’s looking like a typical Monday, with things piling on faster than I can keep track.  I had hoped to make a Master Gardener Garden Tour meeting this afternoon, just to check it out, but that is not going to happen.  Alysse has work for me and I still have homework to read for tomorrow’s class.

I am thankful for… the end of feeling like crap.  My cold is mostly gone.

From the kitchen… nothing.  I’ve got nothing.

I am hoping… to get my MG homework finished today.  Reading forty-four pages of plant parts and plant propagation while having a foggy head from this cold has been a challenge.

I am reading… The Immortal Irishman: The Irish Revolutionary Who Became an American Hero by Timothy Egan (for the 2017 European Reading Challenge), Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout for the 100 Books List challenge, and The Wilderness Warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America, 1858-1919 by Douglas Brinkley.

I am busy creating… a counted cross stitch Santa piece, although I haven’t done any work on it in over three weeks.  I am feeling the urge to crochet, though, so I may put that away for a while and find a crochet project to work on.

I am hearing… Celtic music from the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.

Around the house & garden… Christmas décor is still up. The house needs a good cleaning, but I didn’t do anything this weekend, other than the most pressing (food, dishes, laundry) and resting.  I noticed I have morning glories starting (self-seeded) and my daffodils are up, but otherwise, the garden looks like winter.  Inside, my plants need a lot of attention – repotting, cleaning up dead leaves and such, and I noticed yesterday that I have mealy bugs on another African violet.  It seems like there’s one area where I put plants that they always get mealy bugs, so I’ve got to figure out what is going on there.

In other news…  I took Bill back to the doctor’s Friday for more antibiotics and some couch meds.  After a full weekend of resting, he sounds a bit better today and is back to work.

One of my favorite things… having enough money to pay all the bills and some left over to put into savings.

Our Weekly Overview… 

Monday: Bill working from home.  David is at work.  I have work for Alysse, along with MG homework to finish.  I’d like to get the upstairs bedroom dusted & vacuumed – I think it would help cure our colds if I got some of the dust cleaned up in the house.

Tuesday: Bill works from home.  David is off work.  I’ll be at my Master Gardener class from 9 – 4.

Wednesday: Bill works from home.  David is off work (but probably has a Manager’s meeting to attend at noon).  I have a MG Volunteer Fair to attend sometimes between 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.  The rest of the day I probably will have work for Alysse and if not, there’s the ever present Quicken.

Thursday: Bill works from home.  David is at work.  I’ve got Quicken to get caught up so I can do taxes this month, and I’ll have more MG homework.

Friday: Bill works from home.  David is at work.  I’ll have Quicken still and hopefully will chat with old-time homeschool friends.

SaturdaySunday:  David works.  Bill & I need to do some outside things, if the weather is nice.  The pool desperately needs cleaning and we need to hook up the water hoses and water the house foundation.


Here are some picture thoughts I am sharing …

Just a bit of what I’ve been studying this week.

5 thoughts on “Weekly Overview 02.06.17”

  1. Looks like you are studying some serious plant science!

    I’m starting Olive Kitterage as soon as I finish the review of the last one. Hopefully today. I can’t image doing another challenge, too.


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