Monday, Monday

Today is the first Monday in February. How can the year be 1/12th through already?

So far, I’ve been busy! I was up early to make Bill’s breakfast and pack up his lunch (most of which is prepped the night before) and I resisted the urge to crawl back in bed, even though a little more sleep would have been very welcome. Instead I worked on Kat’s second (purple) shawl a bit more while watching the news and started a crochet/bead necklace for Fiona for Valentine’s Day. I’m not really sure where that is going or how it will turn out, totally winging it. I’ll post the results, if they are worth posting!

The bulk of the morning was spent cleaning up the weekend’s mail, logging in receipts from the weekend into my spreadsheet (not into Quicken) and catching up on email. Also I spent time planning various schedules to possibly implement February. I used to have a weekly/monthly cleaning schedule and I really want to get back to that, so I spent some time making lists of the chores that I already do and the days of the week that work best for doing them. For example, Tuesday is trash pickup day, so on Monday I usually try to gather up all the trash in the various rooms, run the vacuum cleaner in all the rooms and clean out the litter box. There’s just no sense in scheduling that on any day other than Monday! The schedule needs a lot of fine tuning, but I’m getting there.

I also spent some time this morning making notes and lists on how to better schedule my blog posts. I had a nice conversation with Missus Wookie on Friday about how she keeps up to date with her blog and I will be implementing some of her suggestions throughout the month. Stay tuned!

The rest of the week will be spent in getting Quicken caught up. I did work a good bit on it last week, so I should be able to finish it up this week. Then I’m going to try using Quicken as the primary entry method and see if I can let my spreadsheets go by the wayside by the end of 2014. It is crazy to continue duplicating efforts!

I went for my morning walk at 11:30 and Brrr! It was cold out there! We had the warmest January on record, but February is definitely feeling more like winter.

Here’s something cheerful to end the post with:

Miss Wiggles

What a beautiful smile Miss Wiggles has!

4 thoughts on “Monday, Monday”

  1. I find logging receipts is just one of those jobs I have to keep on top of – I tend to put on a podcast and listen to that while working through. Hope the Valentines Day presents work out – I’ve got a couple of those to do as well.

    Oh and yes what a lovely smile Miss Wiggles has 🙂

    • That has sort of been my life’s story, also, Soose. I’m good at making them, not so good at keeping them. I think, though, this time I will be happy with just a rough framework, something to remind me that something like a particular room’s windows and blinds could be accomplished during one particular week rather than some nebulous “sometime.” Thanks for your comment!

  2. I’ve been tweaking my schedule lately, too. I’ve had a couple of projects that I wanted to work on but tended to get lost in the shuffle, so I’ve set up one day a week to work on them. This week I’m reevaluating if they are on the best day and at least one is going to get moved.

    Photos of Miss Wiggles are eagerly anticipated!


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