Thursdays Treasure – Growing Granddaughters
August means back to school for my two granddaughters. Liana started Kindergarten. Fiona started Sixth Grade. I’m glad they were both excited to be back in school!
August means back to school for my two granddaughters. Liana started Kindergarten. Fiona started Sixth Grade. I’m glad they were both excited to be back in school!
Outside My Window… it is overcast and dreary, just like the last two Mondays! We had wind and rain overnight, but we’re promised sunshine and warm weather starting this afternoon. We shall see. I have a good crop of dandelions growing in my yard, though. A lawn care salesman stopped by last week and tried … Read more
Outside My Window… it is overcast and dreary, just like last Monday! Spring is in the air, though. Daffodils are close to blooming and a tree in the neighbor’s yard has green leaves popping open. I am thinking… that the afternoon is slipping away. I’ve been quite productive today, but one goal was to do some … Read more