Outside My Window… the sun is shining, but it’s oh, so cold! Wait! That’s what I wrote on my last “weekly overview” post in early February! Luckily, we have had warmer weather and spring is definitely in the air. Our Bradford pear is in full bloom and looks gorgeous!
I am thinking… about all the things I should be doing instead of a blog post.
I am thankful for… sunshine and spring and the Master Gardener program. Even though I’ve likely bit off more than I can chew, I’m grateful for purpose and directions and activity all in an area that I love. It’s a welcome change after the ennui I felt most of my years in Arizona.
I am hoping… to pick up some plants later in the week. I need a Carolina jasmine plant to grow up over the lattice work that “hides” the compost bin corner. Of course, I still need to build the small bed for that spot and also coat the lattice with linseed oil before I can plant. Planting is the fun part – prep work is the time consuming part.
I am reading…
- A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule The Future by Daniel H. Pink
- Building The American Empire, Volume I: A Narrative History to 1877 by Harry L. Watson
- Jeff Gordon: His Dream, Drive & Destiny by Joe Garner
- Fast Food Genocide: How Processed Food is Killing Us and What We Can Do About It by Joel Fuhrman
I am busy creating… an wedding gift afghan for a cousin. I finally settled on a color combination I’m happy with, which took way longer than it should have.
I am hearing… the morning news show on the television.
Around the house… I have new plant stands that I picked up at a neighbor’s yard sale Friday morning. I’ve been looking for a way to maximize the space in my kitchen window and found the perfect wooden stand, in addition to a corner stand. I’m very happy with the way it looks.
Around the garden… I have daffodils beginning to bloom and other plants greening up. I’ve moved several plants that had wintered over in plants into the new flower bed. The plan is to empty all plastic pots and only have plants in the bigger ceramic planters that I acquired last year – they require a lot less water and attention than the plastic potted plants.
In other news… Bill got our bicycles operational a couple of weekends ago and we’ve gone on a couple of rides. We’ve decided we both want different seats and possibly handlebars that allow us to sit more upright. But we’re both enjoying the riding and hope to get out more now that Daylight Savings Time is giving us more evening hours.
One of my favorite things… morning smoothies with lots of veggies & fruit.
Our Weekly Overview…
Karen: Monday chiropractor visit and a quick run to Aldi’s in the afternoon. Wednesday morning I speak about the newsletter at the DCMGA monthly board meeting. The rest of the week is devoted to Quicken and the newsletter (and maybe a run for plants in there somewhere).
Bill: Bill is working from home all week. He acquired some silk and glue and paint to repair his airplane, but hasn’t been motivated to work on it. Maybe he’ll work on it this next weekend, unless he decides to finish the knock-down coat on the bonus room wall.
David: College class homework has been keeping David occupied, along with continuing work on his game.
Another great read. Love the purple crown. 😉