Just a Moment – Forty-Two

In my Master Gardener Intern Class on propagation held on March 7, I acquired a rose, a Red Cascade.

I brought it home and set it outside in a protected shady spot.  The instructions were to leave it in the “greenhouse” until September, occasionally checking on it to see if it needed added moisture.  By mid-April, the leaves were touching the sides of the pop bottle “greenhouse,” so I removed it.  It still sat outside in a shaded spot, protected from the wind.  Occasionally I’d add some water to the soil.

In May it had a blossom and I put it into a bigger container.  I also left it in the shady spot.

In early June I set it out where it would get more sunshine and was no longer protected from the wind.  This week I moved it into the fairy garden and set up the trellis behind it to climb on.

I feel like a Rose Whisperer!

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