Weekly Overview May 3 2016

backyard tomatoes



Outside My Window… My tomatoes are doing great!  The one plant on the left has several tomatoes already set.  Last year we had so much rain, I wasn’t able to plant tomatoes until June and then it turned hot!  I’m hopeful that we’ll have some ripe tomatoes this year before the summer heat stunts the plants.





I am thinking… how much fun it is to use my new-to-me computer and new desk setup.  The computer is lightning fast, the graphics are great, and I now have shelves for my monitors and a raised shelf for my keyboard & mouse.  No more boxes!  I will post a picture later in the week.

I am thankful for… Earbuds & Spotify.  Bill is working from home today and works seems to consist of several conference calls.  He sometimes uses headphones, but he’s not today.

From the kitchen… A mug of hot Sweet & Spicy Tea.  It’s chilly outside today (& inside – I don’t want to turn the heat on!) and so a warm mug of tea seemed necessary.

I am wearing … Blue sketchers, blue jeans, a blue pullover, and a teal cardigan.

I am hoping… that it warms up enough and I get my work done inside so I can go out and play in my gardens.

I am reading… a couple of books.  A Cold Day for Murder by Dana Stabenow and The White Princess (The Cousins’ War, #5) Philippa Gregory.  Gregory is a favorite of mine and I’ve read most of her books.  Stabenow is a new author for me.  I don’t often read mysteries, but I am enjoying this so far.

I am busy creating… An afghan for myself!  I’m so excited.  I spent a lot of time experimenting with colors and I am really happy with the way it is turning out.

I am hearing… Running For You, by Kip Moore, in my earbuds and Bill and others conversing in the background.

Around the house & garden…  The garden is coming along.  I’m picking lettuce (2 kinds) and Swiss chard biweekly.  Next year I will plant slightly less Swiss chard, as I can’t eat it fast enough and the freezer is full!  The house needs a good cleaning, but its spring.  The outdoors beckons.

In other news… My part-time job seems to be expanding a bit, more responsibilities, more hours.  It’s all good.

One of my favorite things… The mug I’m drinking my tea in, a gift from a friend.  It says, “I’d like mornings better if they started later.”  That’s always been my feeling!

Our Weekly Overview… 

Monday: Bill had a going away luncheon for his old boss, so he drove in to the office yesterday and was gone all day.  David was home, and I was glad he was, as I had a ton of computer issues and work issues, many of which he was quite helpful with.  Somehow my profile on my new computer became corrupted.  Bill spent a couple of hours in the evening rebuilding my profile and today all is well!

Tuesday: Bill is working from home. David has work, so he’ll head out around noon.  I’ve got more websites to convert for work, and today was also payday, so I need to pay some bills.

Wednesday: Bill may be working from home all week, he’s not quite sure.  David has Wednesday off.  I’ll continue with my website conversions and then try to clean up my paperwork table in the office, deal with some things that have piled up.  Maybe we’ll go out to supper at Mellow Mushroom to celebrate the April birthdays, since that got put off last weekend.

Thursday:  Bill working at home (I think) and David to work.  More of the same for me – housework, office work, with some gardening thrown into the mix.  The pool needs scrubbing and cleaning.  We’ve ordered new filters – hopefully they’ll have arrived so we can do a good job this time around with the vacuuming.

Friday: Bill working at home (I think) and David to work.  Homeschool chat with friends.

Saturday: & Sunday:  Errands, if I don’t get them done earlier in the week.  Pool cleaning.  Yard work.  The usual – nothing special planned.  I’d like to get back to the Perennial Path Plant Farm in Denton and pick up a Texas Magnolia.  I plan to put one right outside my office window – it will be bright and beautiful to look at from the office.  Sunday is race day in Kansas, so we’ll watch that.  Or rather, I’ll watch & crochet and Bill will nap.  It works.

Here is picture thought I am sharing …

backfence plants


This section of the back fence still needs working up, amending, and planting.  As you can see, I have plants ready!  There’s a geranium, several chrysanthemums, six hostas, and some calibrachoa plants.  Plus two hanging baskets to fill and hang!

4 thoughts on “Weekly Overview May 3 2016”

    • Thanks, Missus Wookie. Your overviews are my inspiration. 🙂 I am trying to get back into the habit of blogging, now that I have a super duper sublime computer set-up!

  1. I enjoyed reading your overview, but I don’t know how my blogger friends keep track of what they did all week, write it out, and keep it interesting. Guess that’s why I’m an occassional picture blogger.

    • I began using a daily appointment book the beginning of 2015. I leave it open on the table in my office area and write in it who’s working where each day, rainfall totals, momentous events we do as a family, and most of my own activities throughout the day. I even take it with me when I travel and try to keep up the entries. It’s been most helpful when I need to remember what day something specific happened. I had to use it when I wanted to claim a home office for Bill on our 2015 taxes – he had to use the office at least 15 days out of a month to count one month, and the IRS wanted to know how many months the office was used. I was very glad I had written down every day he traveled away and/or worked from home!


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