Weekly Overview February 24, 2014

Bees in the Ironwood Tree
The ironwood tree is alive with bees!
Outside My Window… the ironwood tree is alive with bees! (You can see at least one bee in this picture.)

I am thinking… about upcoming birthdays, scorpions, and chocolate.

I am thankful for… figuring out that I needed to add some beans to morning smoothie. Since I began adding the beans, I have a lot more energy in the morning.

From the kitchen… pork chops are thawing, oatmeal cookies need replenishing, and the electric teapot is heating water for my mocha!

I am hoping… pretty much the same as last week – Bill’s new task begins soon and continued progress on the job hunt front.

I am reading… Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin.

I am busy creating… Pink leggings for Fiona’s birthday and Kat’s purple Wrapped in Lace shawl.

I am hearing… Follow Your Arrow, by Kacey Musgraves (listening to wsmonline.com) and the hum of all the computers in the office.

Around the house & garden… I was able to get the recipe print-outs that were on the dining room table put into their appropriate binders this morning. Now to get Bill to try on the new shirts that arrived over the weekend from Men’s Wearhouse and to box up the birthday books I picked up for Fiona and the dining room table will be clear! I still need to clean up the weeds in the front yard and do some cleaning in the backyard.

In other news… Bill did not pass his certification test on Saturday, but at least now he knows he needs to find some other study materials. We did have a nice day in Tucson otherwise, eating lunch at Chili’s, I got to hang out at Barnes & Noble while Bill was testing, we picked up vitamins at Vitamin Shoppe, and then took the scenic route home.

One of my favorite things… toothless grins.

Miss Munchkin’s toothless grin!

Fiona grinning at her half-brother’s first birthday party this past weekend.

Weekly Overview… Today started out with a visit from the exterminator. We chatted quite a bit about scorpions, how they might be getting in, etc. The upshot seems to be that our house is pretty tight, but they still can get in through vents in the room. And that our neighborhood seems to be having some major issues with scorpions, with some houses having twice a month visits from pest control. I guess I should be thankful that so few are actually getting inside.

There are no other appointments on the calendar for the week, so it will just be the usual. I hope to finish up the last two files of Quicken either this afternoon or tomorrow. Then it will be time to purchase the tax software (TurboTax) and see if I can’t get the taxes done this week, or at least figure out whether we will be getting a refund or see how much we will owe.

Since I was able to get a blog post schedule implemented last week, this week will hopefully see the completion of some sort of cleaning schedule. Hopefully!

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