Keeping Busy

I used to think I was a very patient person, but lately being patient without being anxious or stressed seems to be the challenge. I am doing better this week than I was last week as we wait to hear from the company that Bill is currently interviewing with. Hopefully we will hear something soon, as the more time that goes by, the less likely the job prospect is still active.

The longer I can immerse myself in a project, the less often I think about the lack of response and the less frequently I check the email box. So I have been keeping busy with crochet projects and website updates.

Liana’s afghan is coming along. I have 122 rows completed out of the necessary 165. That is major progress! I am still pretty certain that I will not have it completed for Christmas, so it will probably be a second birthday gift for her in April.

Liana's afghan

I do not like the way it keeps rolling on both ends, but am hopeful that will cease when I get the finishing border around it. I can’t wait to finish it so I can begin the cross stitched design on the top of the blanket.

Yesterday I posted about repairing Kat’s afghan. I needed to decipher how the afghan was made, since I had lost the pattern. Deciphering a pattern from an existing piece is something I do not have a lot of experience doing. I thought I had it last week and made a test swatch, which you can see the beginnings of in last week’s Just a Moment post. I finished that one, confident that I knew the pattern. Until the moment on Sunday when I went to actually repair Kat’s afghan. And then I knew that I didn’t have the pattern, not quite, anyway.

crochet test swatch

I was able to repair the afghan, but in doing so, I thought I had figured out (again!) the pattern, so I made a new test swatch (baby doll blanket).

test swatch

On this one I tried three different stitches placements throughout, which is pretty evident by the way the right side curves. I felt good, though, about the last ten rows or so. It may be that I have it figured out. I need to dig through my yarn stash for some different colors and make another test swatch just to make sure. Then I will preserve the pattern both digitally and hard copy for future use. I love the finished look of the pattern and want to be able to use it again!

I guess the granddaughters will be getting some baby doll blankets for Christmas this year!

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