Thinking of My Grammy

Today would have been my Grammy’s 105th birthday! I have a lot of fond memories of my dad’s mom, including her molasses cookies (her cookie jar was always full!) and playing the card game Kings in the Corners with her. I still have her cookie jar, but I don’t remember how to play Kings in the Corner.

Mabel Austin Gibson was an artist and left behind many beautiful paintings. This is one of my favorites:

She loved to paint birch trees and autumn colors.

Here she is at my wedding, along with my dad.

Happy Birthday, Grammy!

4 thoughts on “Thinking of My Grammy”

  1. You are so good about remembering these things. I remember the cookies, too, as well as the little vases of fresh flowers everywhere.

    That is a lovely picture at your wedding.

    • I just have a knack for remembering dates, that’s all. 🙂 And yes, the little vases of flowers. I have a couple of her small vases and many more that I’ve collected, just because of that memory. Unfortunately, they are all stored away in Alabama, all but one that I picked up here.

  2. Glad you have good memories – I’m the eldest cousin, my youngest was over in January and she had bad memories of ‘old smelly/messy ladies’ whilst I remembered smartly dressed baking ladies 🙁


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