Taxes. I finished and filed them Thursday. We are even getting a small refund back. Sweet!
The plan for Easter Sunday is to work some more in the garage. We haven’t touched the big “Garage Organization” project since December. We made great strides then, but tools still need to be put into new toolbox drawers and a few things labeled better, as we’re still spending too much time searching when we need something.
I’m almost done with my Master Gardener Class. Tuesday we have a fieldtrip to the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension & Research Center, for tours of their WaterWise facilities, Turf Trials, and Shade Gardens. April 25th we cover Migration of Pests & Diseases (What Role Do We Play?), Basic Composting Skills, and a Brown Bag lunch speaker on Vermiculture. Maybe I’ll finally be able to start the worm farm I brought home from NY from my mom. And our last class is May 2nd, which is a wrap-up class, mini-field trip reports, and a “Celebration!” And our Mentors provide lunch…hmm, I may have to talk to my mentor about that one. Anyway, I can’t believe we’re winding down! The classes have been so much fun – I have absolutely no regrets about signing up. In fact, I’m seriously considering taking the Master Naturalists classes that are offered in the fall, but I’ll wait a year and do it in Fall 2018. Mum’s the word – I haven’t mentioned it to Bill.