Autumn in Texas

The weather was gorgeous earlier this week and I took several pictures while on my afternoon walk.

walking path

fall berries

Acorns and oak leaves.
Acorns and oak leaves.

Our subdivision is named Thousand Oaks. Bet you can’t guess why?

maple leaf

Although the above leave doesn’t look much like an oak leaf! I guess there are a few other trees here besides oaks.

Thousand Oaks Park
Thousand Oaks Park

And then there’s the ever present air plane traffic overhead. Some days you don’t notice it at all, and others it is very noticeable. Sometimes it has to do with weather conditions and winds, etc. Sometimes I think it has to do with the airports changing the flight paths for whatever reason. Most of the time they are high enough in the air that you don’t hear them, but this one was very close!

plane overhead

It doesn’t look close, does it? The pictures don’t do it justice. And I never seem to have my camera handy when one goes right over top of me, as it did yesterday when I was out walking! That one was loud! But mostly, we don’t notice them much, and we don’t hear them inside the house at all. Well, sometimes at night, when the house is quiet and we are on the top floor and they are flying lower and ….

5 thoughts on “Autumn in Texas”

    • Mostly it is just sidewalks within the subdivision, but the berries pictures was taken on the path that runs along the railway. We can access it pretty close to our house and then walk from here to Denton if we want!

  1. Looking at your first picture, I realize what I enjoy about this time of year – the long, dramatic shadows. Nice pictures, Karen.

    • Definitely very different from Arizona. There are times I miss the vistas of Arizona – we have nothing like that here. All I see outside of my window is roof tops and tree tops. But that’s okay for now. Thanks for stopping by, Missus Wookie!


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