
I’ve been doing a lot of walking lately as part of my ongoing fitness and weight loss program. In September, I walked over 45 miles and only missed walking two or three days over the whole month. I’ve not been walking quite as regularly in October, for various reasons (vacation, weather, ill health), but I will still have over 30 miles logged by the end of the month.

Walking is good for more than just my physical health, I’ve discovered. I accomplish a lot more overall on the days that I take the time to walk, even though it often means I lose up to an hour of productivity time. My brain remains in focus better, though, and I feel more energized throughout the day. Plus walking seems to curb my appetite, again, rather a converse idea.

I’m definitely a fair-weather walker, though. Didn’t we already know that? If it’s cold (i.e. below 70 degrees) or windy or rainy, I can find all sorts of things inside that are more pressing. On those days I’m grateful for the online challenge groups that I have joined. Being accountable and seeing others posting about their walks reminds me that I need to get my butt out the door!

Today it was cool and breezy and I almost put walking off. But I didn’t. And I walked 3.57 miles, at an average speed of 17:40 miles per minute. Not too shabby!

I try to always find something of note when I’m walking. Today it was geese on the catch pond for our subdivision.


2 thoughts on “Walking”

  1. Yeah for walking and accountability groups. I did join in a friends Fit Bit group but haven’t found it as motivating as I hoped. Just deciding it has to happen and booking it in to the schedule has helped more.


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