Standing Desk

Ever since reading an article detailing the health risks from sitting too much, I have wanted to change my desk around so that I could work standing up. I know I spend too much time sitting and my sore butt these past few months has been telling me that fact in no uncertain terms. This past Friday night, as I lay awake due to buttocks discomfort, I decided now was the time.

Saturday morning I proceeded to search for ways to raise the monitors, etc. on my desk. Here is the result:

standing desk

I consciously sat a lot less over the weekend and was a lot less sore by bedtime each night. Now whether my feet will stand the standing (pardon the pun), only time will tell. It should lead to some weight loss, if only because I find myself dancing a bit to the music as Iā€™m working. I will keep you posted!

2 thoughts on “Standing Desk”

    • I’ve been thinking about getting one of those, Missus Wookie. So far I’m doing okay, but my feet are pretty tired by the end of the day. Standing is making me take more frequent breaks from the computer, which is probably a very good thing for my eyes.


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