First Cotton Yarn, Now Thread

I used up all my cotton yarn last week, making hot pads and plants pad fast and furiously.

I wasn’t sure what I was going to use them all for (I was just having fun trying out different designs), but I see that they are becoming scattered about the house, sitting on desks and other furniture to hold sweating water glasses.

These two, made with Seaside Stripes, went to the Hayes Family Reunion auction, which was held this past Sunday in New York. Each year they hold an auction of donated items to help support the upkeep of the family cemetery in Sugar Hill and also to defray expenses for the reunion. My mom does the auctioneering and it is an experience that every family member should have at least once in their lifetime!

I love the Seaside Stripes combination, but the last few times I’ve been to Wal-mart they have not had it on the shelf. I made two placemats with it earlier this year (see Crocheting Update – Afghans and Placemats) and wanted to make two more. After looking online last week, the only place I could find any was at the Peaches & Crème website.

But look what was back on the shelf at Wal-mart last night:

I bought all six skeins, which should be more than enough to do two more placemats. I was doing the “happy yarn dance” last night!

I realized yesterday that I never blogged about the repurposed yarn holder I picked up in March.

It’s an ice cream bucket! I paid $2.99 for it at a thrift store. Bill took off the side metal latches and I covered the bottom with felt. I set it on the floor next to my chair in the living room and it does a wonderful job of holding my yarn as I work on projects.

Currently it is holding the threads (& some embroidery floss) that I am using on my latest project, which will be incorporating these lovely little flowers:

I have to keep reminding myself that I have WORK that needs to be done and I can’t sit and play with these colorful threads all day long!

4 thoughts on “First Cotton Yarn, Now Thread”

  1. Yes you can – play with thread all day. Isn’t that following your passion? 😉

    I love your repurposed thread holder. I have a similar wooden bucket with a lid that I sometimes use. It was my grandmother’s, one of those things my sister and I had to negotiate about who got. 🙂


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