
Lately I’ve been falling deeper and deeper into a funk of no ambition, guilt, and avoidance. I know I have good reason to be feeling blue, but my actions are not helping the situation at all. The more I avoid what I need to do, the guiltier I feel and the deeper I fall. So it’s time to be pro-active and change things up a bit!

Starting back blogging on a daily basis has already helped. Accomplishing one thing that I want to do gives me a little boost.

Yesterday morning I grabbed my camera and went for a quick walk before breakfast, just twenty minutes. It felt good. I don’t know why I always put off things like require a bit of effort, like putting on shoes and heading out the door, when I know I will feel better for doing so.

And that leads to another self-care step that I began earlier this week. Last year, Kel & Tracy over at The Dao of Doing led their readers through a year-long study of BJ GallaGher’s book, Why Don’t I Do the Things I Know are Good For Me?: Taking Small Steps Toward Improving the Big Picture

One area in which I am having noticeable success is my eating habits. Yesterday marked the beginning of my eighth week in eating an almost 100% plant-based diet, following the plan described in Joel Fuhrman’s Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss

What would a morning walk be without some pictures?

A neighbor’s prickly pear cactus glistens in the early morning sunlight.

A single butterfly bush bloom arches gracefully.

Lantana is very popular in the neighborhood and it comes in so many beautiful colors.

And what would a walk in Sierra Vista be without a view of the Huachuca Mountains?

1 thought on “Self-Care”

  1. Hugs, my friend. I’m proud of you for making the first step! I got off track with the book and exercises when I went to Maine in June and am struggling with finishing it, too. I’m here whenever you want to commiserate – and you can kick me in the pants when I need to move forward, too. 🙂


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