Monday Morning Walk on Tuesday – 365 – 096

This week’s Monday Morning Walk was taken Tuesday afternoon, after I finished taxes!  They are done!  All that is left is filing and writing two checks.  <sigh>  Not happy about owing, but I am happy they are done and I am happy there is money in the bank to pay what we owe.  It was a good year.

Bill and I took our usual late afternoon walk yesterday and I brought my camera along.  So here is what the neighborhood looks like this week!

Stormy Skies

A cool front was working its way through the area and made for some great sky pictures.

ominous sky

ominous sky

Spring is here!

This week it was quite evident that spring had arrived.  Trees are leafed out and flowers are in bloom everywhere.



cactus in bloom


tree in bloom

sage bush in bloom

Even the view towards the mountain shows more green along the streets.

Huachuca Mountains

Still no rain, though.  We’ve had no rain since early September and only one very small snow fall, less than an inch, all winter.  The brown in the background will stay brown until July when the monsoon season begins.

Dog Walking

Late afternoon brings out all the dog walkers. Bill stopped to visit with a co-worker walking his dog.

dog walking

dog face

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