Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument

On our way home from Yuma last weekend, we decided to take the scenic route, which added about 100 miles to our trip. It was a good thing we picked up lunch at Gila Bend and packed lots of water and snacks, because once you headed south off I-8 towards Ajo, services of any sort were extremely limited.

Our drive took us near the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument and we had debated whether to take the side trip to the monument, as we were so close. Since it really isn’t on the way to anywhere and we were not likely to be headed that way again for some time, we decided it was now or never.

Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument entrance

picnic area

The picnic area at the Kris Eggle Visitor Center where we ate our lunch.

The Kris Eggle Visitor Center

The Kris Eggle Visitor Center.

nature trail

Walking east along the nature trail outside the Kris Eggle Visitor Center. Those are the Ajo Mountains in the background.

organ pipe cacti

Organ pipe cacti on the right and in the fore center, with a ocotillo cactus (what looks like dead twigs sticking up) on the left of the organ pipe cactus and a saguaro cactus in the center back.

cholla cactus

A cholla cactus along the natural trail.

ocotillo cacti

Two ocotillo cacti. At times these will have small green leaves on them

view of Ajo Mountains

Looking east towards the Ajo Mountains at one of the roadside stops in the park.

rock strata

Heading north out of the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, I snapped this picture of the Ajo Mountains through the passenger side window. Aren’t the colors of the rock strata cool?

Due to a late start and the fact that we were tired from a busy weekend, we did not stay as long as I would have liked. There were two scenic drives and some hiking paths that would have been fun to explore. So perhaps we will have to make a second trek when we have more time. If so, we definitely will want to do it during the cooler winter months; it was plenty warm that day as it was!

I will be posting more pictures from the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument in the next few days, so be sure check back.

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