Upside Down – 365-*011

I am participating in a weekly photo challenge and this week’s project was to take an upside down picture. I could take the picture one of two ways:
1) holding the camera upside down or
2) be actually upside down myself!

This was a fun challenge and I took pictures of several different objects and actually even got upside down for some!

humidifier, upside down

For this picture, I was lying on my bed, hanging head down over one side. This is our humidifier, my winter life-saver!

ocean picture, upside down

And hanging off the other side of the bed, I snapped a pic of my window to the ocean. I love those blues!

The rest of the pictures I took holding the camera upside down. It’s amazing how quickly you forget just which button does what when the camera is upside down. A couple of times I turned the camera off instead of clicking the picture!

salad bowl, upside down

My salad from Sunday’s lunch. I played a bit with the colors, as you can tell.

water fountain, upside down

The water fountain (minus any water) in the courtyard in front of my dentist’s office.

water fountain, upside down

A second picture of the same water fountain, centered between the columns, but where the lighting wasn’t as good. I played with the contrasts some in the editor.

5 thoughts on “Upside Down – 365-*011”

  1. This is a fun assignment. Makes me head hurt though… I think it’s trying to tell me I’m seeing something wrong LOL! My son and I are working on this one today.


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