October Update

I can’t believe that it has been a month since I last posted! Having Miss Munchkin around all the time sure does make the days blur. Speaking of Miss Munchkin, things are very quiet here this week. Her Daddy came along this past weekend and scooped her away for a couple of weeks. He will bring her back after Halloween. My list that I’d like to get done while she’s gone is very, very long, but one by one, I am ticking items off of it!

Here’s a pic of Miss Munchkin taken the end of August:

Miss Munchkin napping

She finally surrendered to sleep. Naps are to be fought against at all costs!

That is my bed that she is laying on. The quilt is old and tattered and has needed replacing for quite some time. After many months of searching, I finally found a comforter I liked! It arrived yesterday. At first I was afraid that it would be too warm, but it was quite comfortable last night. I’m very pleased with it! Tell me what you think!

New Comforter

I wanted something that would go with the quilted hanging above the bed. Did I succeed?

On the crocheting front, I have an exciting new project, thanks to Charles and Rebecca. I don’t know why I ask my kids to pick patterns, because they always pick the most challenging patterns they can find. I wanted to make a wedding afghan for Charles and Rebecca, so they looked through my pattern books and found a counted cross stitch Celtic pattern. Here’s the pattern:

Celtic afghan pattern

At first I was not sure I would be able to convert the cross stitch pattern to an afghan pattern, but using every stitch as a single crochet and carrying along the yarn as I change colors is working really well, don’t you think?

First 25 rows

burgundy and black Celtic design

That is the first 25 rows. The pattern is 240 rows in length. I would like to have it done by Christmas, even though it is not technically a Christmas gift but a wedding gift. I can only do a few rows a day, though, before my eyes begin to go cross-eyed!

11 thoughts on “October Update”

  1. Wow, I really like the quilt.It reminds of the beach, which is perfect for your location. Looks very restful, zzzzz….No wonder Miss Munchkin zoned out.

    Converting a cross stitch pattern to crochet? You are amazing! Wish my mind was still working LOL!

  2. I’m having great fun working on it, except that it’s making me cross-eyed! I have to have really good lighting. First crochet project I’ve been excited about in quite some time.

  3. I’m embarking on a similar project, and I’m wondering, did you carry both yarns across all stitches? is this reversible? I.e., how did you crochet row 2, by turning your work and reading the graph left to right? Or did you cut yarns after each row? I’d like to have the least amount of securing ends as possible of course.
    Beautiful work, my son admired it, and now I’m making one of the other squares in that book, but doing celtic cable crochet for the border panels (completed), and a different center celtic knot. Lots of work!

    • Hi Anni,

      This is not reversible. There’s definitely a front side and a back side. I carried the yarn across as much as I could, which led to a lot of tangling. You can see in the last picture that there is a black yarn hanging about five stitches from the end on the left side. When I headed back the other way, I would pick that up to make the next needed black stitch. I did turn the work and read the graph from left to right. In fact, the graph was held to a metal plate with straight magnets that highlighted the exact row I was working on, otherwise I never would have kept track of which row I was doing. If you check this post, you can see the finished piece: http://mmm.leapingfromthebox.com/2011/02/01/celtic-afghan/

      Good luck with your project. I’d love to see a photo when it’s finished!


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