Farm pictures

Last week I mentioned our farm when I wrote about the Southwood Walking Trails. I have been sorting through some pictures recently and ran across these two from those farm days in upstate New York.

Gibson Farms, Dundee, NY

This was taken in September 1984. You can see our mobile home. To the left of that is the airplane hangar (with the green strip behind it being the runway) and the main house is sort of between those two, in amongst the trees. Way to the left you can see the back half of Bill’s brother’s mobile home. Most of the barns are on the other side of the road; only half of the shop is visible on the extreme right, then there is the old horse barn, the milking area, and the big barns and silo.

Charles had asked about the farm picture the weekend of his wedding. It has always been a favorite of his, so I am getting a copy made for him.

And then I found this little gem, which I am sure Charles has forgotten about. I will be sending him a copy of this one, also!

Charles and the milk bulk tank

This is Charles, posing by the milk bulk tank the day before we moved to Alabama in 1995. He was quite the little farmer back then, doing his best to keep up with his Uncle Dana and big cousin Bryce. He was just a bit over five when this was taken. He truly did miss the farm when we moved, I think more than anyone else in the family.

As for Southwood and their walking trails, we have been going almost every night for the past couple of weeks. Last night we measured the distance around the lake (by car) and it was just a tad bit over two miles. The trails do not run quite the same path as the road, but they do twist and wind back and forth more, so I am sure we are getting a good two mile work out when we walk the whole distance. More than that, though, it is just a very pleasant walk and usually about ten degrees cooler than walking around outside here at our apartments.

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