Clean, Cleaner, Cleanest

I have been on a cleaning spree this week. My desktop is again clean, although not totally bare of items. I can definitely see bare, flat space again, though. Major progress. Actually, the filing system I set up last fall has worked pretty well and I have been mostly pleased with my progress in maintaining a clean desk. Lapses here and there, yes, but overall, a vast improvement upon the past. And I definitely notice a difference in the amount of productive work I manage to accomplish when my desk is clean.

The area that is cleaner is my website. I am partway through revamping, checking links, cleaning up old code and just generally making the site visually more pleasing to me. I am not sure if anyone will really notice the different, but I am noticing.

And what is cleanest, you ask? My carpets! The cleanest since we moved in. Ah, I think I should add “clean, soft carpets” to my lists of things I never tire of. I had forgotten how soft the carpets felt when we first moved in. Note to self: clean carpets every couple of months. Translated into action: carpets might get cleaned again before we move out!

Have you noticed my “countdown to Daytona” clock on the right sidebar? Twenty-seven days! Even better is the fact that there has been new season Sprint Cup coverage on SPEED channel this week. I was going through serious withdrawal!

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