Christmas Week, part three

Christmas is always more fun with little children around. Ours was no exception, as Miss Munchkin was definitely the center of attention. She still has not quite figured out what presents are all about, but she was most concerned that every scrap of wrapping paper get removed from the present and properly disposed of, which meant carrying it to Grandma to throw away. Too much FlyLady influence, do you think?

MM unwrapping presents
Miss Munchkin received a kitchen, many books and more Signing Time dvds. It continually amazes me how quickly and easily she picks up new signs from those DVDs. And how they make our lives less stressful, as long as we learn the signs along with her!

MM and her kitchen MM reading

There seemed to be two favorite gifts, though. The boys gave Bill and I DDR (Dance, Dance Revolution). I’m not sure that Bill appreciated it very much, but the rest of us have been enjoying it. It is really quite a workout and should be a useful aid in the “losing weight” and “getting more exercise” portions of my New Year’s Resolutions. Miss Munchkin watched us all play and then wanted her turn!
MM and DDR
The second successful gift was the CashFlow 101 board game from We have spent several hours playing, trying to learn how to escape the rat race. For two years I have wanted to buy this game, hesitating because of the expense of it, but now I wish that I had done so earlier. It is a game that is going to get used a lot here and a great learning tool.And here are the last two pictures of MissMunchkin for 2007!

MM eating dessert We love ice cream and apple crisp!

Bouncing on Grandma’s bed is great fun, or at least it was until we whacked ourselves in the mouth on the bed frame! No blood, just a very shocked little girl, who undoubtedly will still want to bounce on the bed again next time! MM bouncing on Grandma’s bed

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