Miss Munchkin all dressed and ready for a birthday party.
Liana giving Grandma a nice smile. I can’t believe she is six months old already!
Liana with her cow – she loves cows and I could not resist getting her that one.
Kat & Miss Munchkin (sitting on her Grandma A’s lap) at the pumpkin patch. It seems that Miss Munchkin now had a Grandma A and Grandma K, rather than her Alabama Grandma and her Arizona Grandma. Probably a good thing, as someday (I promise!) Grandma K will not be living in Arizona!
Miss Munchkin with her pumpkin.
Three generations: Liana, Charles and myself. It only took eleven pictures to get one where all three of us had our eyes open and weren’t making some sort of goofy face. We Gibson’s are so photogenic, you know!
Lovely photos – glad there were some bright spots among the hassles.